
Legal information



This notice applies to personal information held by Cayman National companies in the Isle of Man (CNIOM). CNIOM collectively refers to Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited (CNBIOM) and Cayman National Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited (CNTIOM).

This website is the property of CNIOM. Replication, reproduction, redistribution and / or transmission of any information contained in this website is strictly prohibited without the absolute consent of CNIOM. You may not reproduce any other part of the website including the structure and style. The use of links from any other site to this website is absolutely prohibited without the consent of CNIOM. CNIOM maintains the right to delete or modify in whole or in part any information on this website without prior notice.

The copyright and content of this website is owned by CNIOM. Accessing this website is your confirmation that you understand and accept the restrictions placed upon you in viewing and visiting the website.

Clients and potential clients should take professional legal and taxation advice relevant to their personal circumstances and to their own jurisdiction prior to commencing any form of business relationship with CNIOM.  CNIOM does not provide such advice directly but can assist to obtain independent professional advice if necessary. The purpose of this website is the provision of information on our services and products. The download or access to information on this website does not constitute the giving of professional advice by CNIOM or the offer of services or the agreement to enter into an arrangement with you.

We recognise this website is available worldwide and the content may not be appropriate in all jurisdictions. CNIOM accepts no liability arising from you accessing or viewing the website which may be in contravention of any laws in the jurisdiction you are resident or located in. We therefore reserve the right to make the final determination on whether you are eligible for a particular product or service.

CNIOM endeavours to ensure that the data and other material in this website is correct and complete, but does not accept liability for any errors, delays in content or omission from this website, resulting from any software or hardware which may be used on your computer or due to errors in transmission to your computer. Any of the material on our website may be out of date at any given time, but we will take all reasonable steps to update material as soon as practicable. All product details, interest rates, terms, conditions and other information are subject to change at any time without notice. Terms, conditions and fees apply to the various CNIOM products and full details are available on application.

CNIOM does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided by third parties linked to this site. You accept that CNIOM has no liability in respect of the nature and content of third party information accessed through the website. These links are referenced on our website for your ease of access and for information purposes only; the accuracy and suitability of the information contained on these sites is outside of our control.

If you have access to view your account online you confirm that you meet all security requirements placed upon you in accessing the service. Any irregularities noted during your access to this site must be brought to our attention immediately. If you have shared or provided your own log in details to third parties you must notify CNIOM immediately. If you choose to correspond with CNIOM using electronic mail you accept that this is not a secure method of communication. CNIOM takes no responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party or the altering of data being transmitted electronically to us. The entering into of electronic correspondence/provision of electronic information is permitted through the completion of the appropriate mandate. This clearly sets out the potential weakness of electronic communications. You confirm and accept all liability or loss, damage or legal claims arising through the use of unsecured electronic communications by you.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

CNIOM is committed to guard against all forms of bribery and corruption. The boards of CNIOM have adopted an Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy to ensure that their reputation for ethical behaviour and financial probity is clearly visible in the markets we operate and to our clients and business partners. CNIOM operates a zero-tolerance policy for bribery and corruption in all forms, whether it is committed by its employees, officers, agents or clients. This policy extends to all clients, agents and business partners through their dealings with or on behalf of Cayman National in the Isle of Man.


The Isle of Man has entered into a tax co-operation arrangement with the United States (US) via an automatic exchange of information agreement known as FATCA – Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. FATCA has resulted in CNIOM providing prescribed data to our local tax authority for onward reporting to the US IRS (Inland Revenue Service) in respect of customers with specific US indicia.

In addition to FATCA the Isle of Man has adopted the principles of CRS (Common Reporting Standard). CRS, developed by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is an international initiative based on the development of a single global standard for the automatic exchange of information between various countries tax authorities.  As a result of this, Cayman National will provide prescribed data to other CRS participating countries on an annual basis. A list of participating CRS countries can be found at

Cayman National Isle of Man

Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited and Cayman National Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited are both licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (IOMFSA). The registered office and principal place of business of Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited and Cayman National Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited is:

Cayman National House

4-8 Hope Street


Isle of Man


Telephone (0044) 1624 646900.

Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited and Cayman National Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited are subsidiaries of Cayman National Corporation Ltd, whose ultimate owner is Republic Financial Holdings Limited, a publicly quoted company incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago and regulated by the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago as a financial holding company. Prospective depositors should satisfy themselves as to the financial standing of Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited, Cayman National Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited and the group based on publicly available information. The latest report and accounts are available from our website.

Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited is a participant in the Isle of Man Depositors' Compensation Scheme as set out in the Depositors' Compensation Scheme Regulations 2010.

The best way to learn more about how we can help is by calling us.